Visiting Education City in Qatar is always what I am dreaming of, and even better if I could participate in the classes there. But I got both of them this summer, which was definitely more than I expected.


This summer, I got the opportunity to the school, Texas A and M in Qatar, the distinguished university from the States. The branch in Qatar was set up in 2003, and it thrived in the state of Qatar. In the beginning, 29 students are in the first year, but until now more than 400 engineers have graduated from 2007.


The school is in Education City in Doha and designed by Mexican architect. Therefore, the building has lots of Mexican elements. The main gate is like pyramid and the use of color is bold. Also, the architect integrated the Middle east culture; therefore, we could find classical patterns on the wall.


In the visit yesterday, I think is a privilege for me to take part in one class in the Texas A and M. The class was Professor Joseph Williams’s class, mainly about how to write decent resume and CV for the upcoming job hunting season.

For me, the class size is small, only 9 including me, which is quite different from Taiwan. In the beginning of the courses, the professor asked everyone’s status of quo, the progress of the report for T1 and relevant projects. In the counterpart in Taiwan, professors may not have enough time to meet or to take care every student. But here in Texas A and M, this is common.

In the class, professor Williams had some assignment for the class, which was including me. I was shocked than because we have to give a presentation from various topics in English! (e.g. Mine is one resume example for volunteering) Within ten minutes, I found my “switch” was turning on to prepare for the presentation.

When I was on the stage to present mine in English, I was trembling, hoping no one noticed that. But eventually I try my best to give them a complete presentation.
Everyone was engaging in the class, so the atmosphere was very vibrant. What really surprised me was students’ presentation skill in the class, any of them could be the top in my experience. From them, I understood that my scope was widening this time.

After the class, I got positive feedback from the professor, which was really inspiring. I really enjoyed the class and learned a lot from it, not to mention the experience of taking one class in Texas A and M. I am grateful for Professor Williams gave me the opportunity to class and the unforgettable experiences in Qatar.


In the afternoon, I went to one lab in Texas A and M, where 4 Taiwanese engineers worked there. The leading engineer is Mac Wu, who comes from Taitung University in Taiwan. The research here is mainly about automatic engineering, includes robots and other related products.

They showed me some achievements they had done. Because I am a Pharmacy student, so everything in the lab is new for me. Their research is useful in many parts, like innovative structure for stabilizing the building or uses robots to construct skyscrapers.

I especially admire the robots, because they could detect the gasoline tube underground. The tragedy in Kaohsiung was unforgettable and very sad for everyone in Taiwan. With this robot, it could help us to check the tube, which is efficient and safe. Hope it could be launched soon and helps the society.


After the visit to the lab, I also went to different school in the campus, where gathers famous universities from the States. The building was marvelous and the equipment, no doubt, is great. Every school provides their distinguished courses in the field and attracts international students.

For me, the concept of university and campus life for me might be narrow. In the visit, I experienced total different cultures. Although I just take one class and visit one lab here, but it has changed my point of view of learning. Education truly needs some stimulation to inspire, and this would be one proof.



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至於搭乘KARWA 公車的話,則需要有強大的心臟和無比的耐心,加上對一定要搭乘到的渴望,才推薦搭乘杜哈的市區公車系統。





建議有需求搭公車時,先到公車總站買一張公車卡Karwa Classic(售價30QR,可用20QR,不需要用時可空卡退10QR),那在市區每一次上下車便是扣款2.75QR,不夠時再使用公車總站的儲值機加值。


那若沒有公車卡Karwa Classic的話,司機會在你上車時收取10QR,並給你一張24小時的公車卡,在期限內可無限上下車,因此有搭公車需求的話,怎樣算都是先買公車卡比較划算。

IMG_8235 (2)



那等車環境的話,位在Souq Waqif附近的總站是露天的,有很多的鴿子作伴,環境有些凌亂,女性搭乘者很少,大部分是在此地工作的民工。一般的候車亭極少數有冷氣(但我沒遇過),但大部分是一個亭子,還有一些是一根桿子,因此想像一下在夏天室外溫度都是四十度起跳的環境,等待不知何時會來的公車,這心情可是需要強健的建設來支撐才可以的阿。



Karwa bus官方網站:

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(1)機場接送: 25QR
(3)夜間市區接送(九點以後): 10 QR

而里程數的計算 的話則是5.5公里內算基本里程,而在每一公里跳1.2QR

整體總價的話,在杜哈市區內,一趟下來30QR以內有找 (如: City Center Shopping mall 到 Pearl Qatar 約15QR),因此在市中心的觀光景點穿梭來說很方便。


那如果是用喊價的話,往往司機的起跳價便是從30QR開始。我自己曾經有一段跳表約10元的路程(MIA 到 Sheraton Park),司機便喊30QR;而一段約15QR的距離( Hilton 到 St. Regis) ,司機直接喊40QR。那因為自己剛到杜哈時,也不大了解生態,因此常常被當成冤大頭。

後來學乖了(約兩個禮拜),一上車當司機問我 “How much?”時,我就直接說” Meter, please.”,以不帶感情的撲克臉看司機,因為當地司機可以分辨觀光客和遊客的差別;若他不願意的話,我往往就直接下車,或是跟他說” Open the meter or I call the number to your company.” 因為若司機不願意的話,當公司接到客訴,這一趟他也不用賺了,因此他們往往會採以跳表。







(1)訂車快速: 若非是在下班通勤時間(3點半到6點間),通常車子在你發出預定的信息後20分鐘內會抵達。

(2)叫車方便: 因為我這一次算是住在杜哈的衛星區,因此要在路上攔KARWA要碰運氣,因此我後來就叫Uber,並且因為只要下載他的App,除了叫車的功能,也可以看司機目前行駛到何處,且有估算抵達時間的功能,時間調配更彈性。

(3)價錢透明: 因為車費的話包括路程和時間,而規則的話在官網上都已說明,另外付款是透過信用卡直接付帳,因此並不會有司機喊價的情形。且行駛的路線會在帳單寄來時一併附上,所以當司機繞路時就一目了然;在我一次的搭乘經驗裡,很明顯機有繞路,因此我在回饋中寫道這情形,隔一天當地的負責人便寫一封信道歉,並且退還和合理路線的價差,單單這情形就已經讓我好感度大增。

(4) 車況良好:這一點的話就看個人對於交通工具的要求了,因為Uber其實在吸引消費者時,便是用豪華的轎車但平民的價格當號召,以杜哈市區來說,提供服務的車子最常見的是Toyota Camry 和 Honda Accord,且車上有些司機會附上免費礦泉水,有一次還有報紙,因此其實就像私家車一樣的享受。

而劣勢的話則是Uber貴一些,如一趟我搭KARWA 約30QR的路程,Uber約40QR,因此可以依個人預算來調配,我自己的話則是到市中心做Uber,而回到家的話則搭KARWA,兩者平衡一下,來節省預算。


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““Are you the student come from Taiwan?” A woman who wears abaya asked me this question.
“Yeah, I Am.” I replied, giving my name card to her with cautious.
“It’s great to meet you! Please follow me.” I followed her step, and the visit to Pharmacy College at Qatar University began.


(The beginning)

I could still remember the feeling and the timing when I sent my proposal to Pharmacy College at Qatar University. It was in May and I was still on the way to prepare the trip to Doha. The visit to Qatar University is one initiative that drew me to this country. Therefore, visiting school’s website became my routine, finding anything new on it could always be interesting.

While I was waiting in the office, I observed the surrounding and prepare the material for the meeting. The atmosphere here was serene but I a little bit nervous until the appearance of Ms. Alla.

“Ya hala. It’s great to meet you, Mr. Shih” Ms. Alla talked to me with a grim, which relieved my stress.

“Thank you for providing the opportunity for me to here!” I said. And, Ms. Ella started to introduce the history of the school to me.

Pharmacy College at Qatar University was founded in 2007, which is the first and the only pharmacy college in Qatar. The school also is the first and only international program to be awarded full accreditation status by CCAPP (Canada). CCAPP is the sole pharmacy program accreditation agency in Canada. Therefore, for this young and new college, the accreditation is the symbol of excellency and quality education.

Ms. Alla then talked about the academic programs. Now three approved academic programs are provided to meet the needs of professional skills. They are Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (BSc (Pharm)) degree program; Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree program and the; Master of Sciences (MSc (Pharm)) degree program.

In the near future, the school planned to launch PhD programs and expand the scale the school. (Now only 25 female student maximum in each grade) Although the school is small, they provide a variety of curriculums for student to the field of pharmacy. “Clinical pharmacy” is the core of the curriculum. Therefore, students are required to get internship in real work places (e.g. hospital, Drug Company) in their academic years.

This is quite different from the courses in Taiwan, where we usually have rotations in the last year of college life. Clinical pharmacy for us still is a new idea. But in this place, clinical pharmacist has become more prevalent and provides professional consultation to the patients.

__ (1)

(The first meet with the dean, Dr. Ayman El-Kadi )

After getting some concepts of the school, Ms. Ella led me to meet the dean of the college, Dr. Ayman El-Kadi. Dr. El-Kadi was a professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Alberta since 2001 before he came to Qatar University. His research interests are in the areas of Pharmacology and Molecular and Environmental Toxicology.

The meeting with Dr. El-Kadi was pleasant. I shared my pharmacy life in Taiwan and the status of quo of Taiwan. To my surprise, Dr El-Kadi was familiar with Taiwan due to the experiences to China. He mentioned about the academic programs in Qatar University and analyzed the strength of the school. Although Pharmacy College at Qatar University is young and new, but the vibrancy of the collaboration with distinguished schools (e.g. University of South Carolina and Purdue University), has pushed this school into higher stage.


Afterwards, I was curious about the use of Chinese medicine in the country. It seems like the treatment is not common or prevalent here. Only a few clinics provide acupuncture or Chinese massage in Doha. Therefore, the potential of Chinese medicine in this area is high.

Dr. El- Kadi provided useful information about pharmacy in Qatar. In the discussion, I found differences between Qatar and Taiwan in many aspects. But one thing in common --- the positioning of pharmacists is changing, from dispensing drugs to become a professional consultant.

The field of pharmacy has been different, for student as I am, keeping learning is necessary. From Dr. El-Kadi’s encouragement, I think being a pharmacist is not only get one degree but being a good health care provider. There are still long way to go for me to be a pharmacist but learning never comes to end, and this is what I get from the meeting.


(Tour to the school)

“ How do you think of the meeting?” Ms. Tammy asked me.
“Pretty well, I cannot wait to find out more here” I said.
“OK, let’s go!” I followed Ms. Tammy’s step and started the tour.

Pharmacy College now located in the female science building in the campus. The College of Pharmacy building now is under constructing and expects to provide a pleasant environment for all members.


1. General information

We went upstairs, where is the main classroom area. Ms. Tammy showed me the photos of the activities. Because students in the school come from various countries, the blend of culture here is beyond my imagination. Besides, the amount of the students is small, which allows professor and students have close relationship.

While passing by the classroom, Ms. Tammy pointed at the camera on the ceiling to introduce the innovative teaching method --- Lecture Capture. Lecture Capture is that use of distance learning. Every class in Pharmacy College is recorded in the video clips for students to review after class. It’s especially useful for students whose mother tongue is not English.

Also, e-textbook is prevalent in the school. Students could find e-version of the textbook on the website, which breaks the barrier of time and distance of learning.
It is an eco-friendly proof as well.

Ms. Tammy also mentioned about other activities like white coat ceremonies, research nights. These are every year’s highlight and are grand in the school.

2. Clinical pharmacy Labs

During the tour, these two laboratories might be the most unforgettable places.

When I stepped into the first one, I said “wow” at the first glance. In the school, two laboratories are set up for class of clinical pharmacy. They were decorated as real drug store and wards in the hospital. It is also a classroom for SMSA class.

For students in the first grade, SMSA is a compulsory subject to take. SMSA (Structured Multi-Skill Assessment) is similar to PCE (Patient consulting Examination) in Taiwan. Students practice their skill of consulting with the patients, which is useful in their future career.

Because of my PCE experience in Taiwan, I am excited about to find the counterpart here in Qatar. Furthermore, the assessment in not limited to pharmacy student but also students in medical college. This is different from Taiwan. Every year Qatar University will hold competition of SMSA, as one measurement of clinical skills.

In another lab, which looks like a ward in the hospital, is also one classroom for clinical pharmacy. In the class, doctors, nurses and pharmacists will take part in, and the student will pretend as a patient lying on the bed. Medical simulation equipped students the must-have skill in the future. Through the experience, they would be able to face the challenges in the career.


3. Wet labs

Clinical pharmacy lab had already surprised me a lot. Therefore, I am thinking of whether wet labs could be as good as previous ones? But the answer is yes and they are far more than I expect.

In Qatar, cardio vascular disease, diabetes are huge problems. This might be the reason why I met lots of scientist in this area before I came to Qatar University. The first lab I visited also did related research. Two graduate students lead me to the lab and provided me some information of their research, which focused on cardio vascular disease prevention.



The next lab was mainly on polymeric drug delivery research. I was lucky to meet Dr. Somayeh Zamani, who is the Post Doctoral fellow working at of the lab. She explained her research, and gave me a framework of drug delivery, which was to find the appropriate substances to deliver the drugs. Although I only had some concepts to the topic, I got some points after Dr. Somayeh Zamani’s explanation.


The equipment in both labs is new and complete, providing the research team the best environment. Ms.Tammy told me that some labs take the grant from QNRF (Qatar National Research Foundation, one member of Qatar foundation). These show that the achievement are highly anticipated, dedicating to enhance the level of health in Qatar.

(The meeting with QPhus)

The meeting with QPhus( Qatar Pharmacy Undergraduate Society) was my last stop today. Actually I was excited about it because I could meet students in person, understanding more about real pharmacy education experience in Qatar.


Before starting the meeting, one student told me that she enjoyed Taiwanese movies. I was delighted and show them one video clip of Taiwan, sceneries with Taiwanese folks. From their faces, I could feel they were surprised about the scenes, which were totally different from here.


During the discussion, although the academic programs are quite different, we could still found similarities in two systems. They had high interest of PCE in Taiwan as I first met SMSA in Qatar. One of them shared her experience to me, because she won the first prize in SMSA competition. School life in Taiwan also was a topic. Because their tight schedule, club life for them were unfamiliar but they were still participate in many activities. So, their life is still very colorful.



From their sharing, pharmacy life in the Middle East seems not as I imagine, which was more than great. The diversity of nationalities was one dominant reason. When I asked about their origins, they told me an unexpected answer--- most of them came from different countries. The blend of culture and the width of the scope are their strength, not to mention about their academic performance.


(A great experience)

“ I am grateful for the opportunity to be here!” After the meeting, I talked to Ms.Alla.
“ I am glad that you enjoy the tour.” Ms. Alla said.
“Of course I did!” My eyes were clear and determined

After saying goodbye to them, I stepped out the building and constantly thinking one thing --- what is the best pharmacy education? From this experience, I believe that Pharmacy College at Qatar University is a model of glocalization. It respects local culture while providing world-class curriculums. Every place could find the suitable one for them, and Doha finds the greatest one. The first encounter of pharmacy life in the Middle East truly means a lot to me. I am glad to get the opportunity to this promising college, which is a precious experience and truly expand my horizon.


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“Are you the student come from Taiwan?” 一位穿著Abaya的中東女性問我

“Yeah, I Am.” 我手忙腳亂的將我的名片遞上,並說明我的來由

“It’s great to meet you! Please follow me.” 我隨著他的腳步帶著緊張的心情,開始與中東藥學的見面



原先抱著姑且一試的心情,將履歷寄出,希望可以在這一次的卡達旅途中,與自己所學做結合,並且交換一些不同的經驗。在經歷出發時間修改與和對方討論的過程中,這行程順利敲定,而驚喜的是在前一周時,一直與我接洽的Ms. Alla El- Awaisi 還幫我安排與系主任Dr. Ayman El-Kadi和整個團隊見面,雖然心中忐忑但也盡力準備,希望可以將我們的藥學教育與台灣分享與對方。

當天前往的過程,搭乘計程車的途中居然因為校園太大,且因為卡達大學是分為男女兩個校區,而藥學院的話則是在女校區,所以我們大概在學校迷路快十分鐘,且當我說我要到女校區時,司機也有些驚訝,但這些專屬於伊斯蘭文化的中東教育理念,也讓我感受到和前幾天在Education City 上課的不同氣氛。

卡達大學藥學系(Pharmacy college of Qatar University)創校約7年,是這國家唯一的藥學院,但相對於鄰近的中東國家,是相對晚創立的藥學院,但這一間藥學院卻因為如此,充滿新生的活力。

目前在學制的話,學校是沿襲來自加拿大的藥學系統,並且也是少數獲得CCAPP(Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs)所認證的藥學院;因此在課程的設計上,學校的宗旨是提供卡達最優良的藥學教學與培養下一世代的藥學生,在學制上特別設計與國際接軌的課程,讓學生擁有在未來職場上最佳的奠基。

__ (1)


“ It’s great to meet you, Ms. El-Awaisi.” 記得當我說出這句話時,手有點顫抖,但幸好在Ms.Alla 的引導下,心情放鬆不少。


而聊到課程的規劃上,卡達藥學院的課程有學士Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (BSc (Pharm)) degree program,台灣日益受矚目的 Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree program,和碩士Master of Sciences (MSc (Pharm)) degree program,而未來的話計畫有博士PHD的學位,讓學校更佳的完整。

而為了實際在此地的需求,因此主要是以” 臨床藥學 (Clinical Pharmacy )”為主,因此學生的實習及經驗,是除了在授課之外很重要的學分,在大二和大三的暑假,都需要到藥局或是藥廠實習,而在大四時更是安排一整學期的實習,這一些必修的課程讓學生在畢業時便擁有投入職場的能力,讓接軌無縫。

“Let’s go and meet the Dean!’’Ms. Alla 領著我走向系主任的辦公室,空間寬敞且因為採光良好,因此更顯得舒服。

(與系主任 Dr. Ayman El-Kadi 會面)

在面談的過程中,我分享了在中國醫藥大學的學制以及台灣藥學現況的說明,Dr. Ayman出乎意料地對於台灣相當了解,因此除了藥學的話題之外,我們也聊了台海兩岸的問題,這話題雖然敏感,但其實也是很多外籍人士對於台灣的第一印象,所以我也是以中性的態度來表達我們的立場。





結束這一個會面後,Ms.Tammy 帶著我到學校進行參觀。首先跨上陽光灑落的階梯,兩側的海報簡述學院相關的活動,其中一幅海報特別吸引著我” ”,這標語簡單描述了藥師在醫療團隊的定位,與具有的目標,而另一點是在顏色的運用上,也將卡達本地常見的沙漠印象融入,但用了亮橘,更顯得活力。

而校園中重要的元素教室,也是參觀的一個亮點,教室中的安排是一排兩個座位,但我大概估算一下,一間大概是容納30人左右,加上顏色以純白為主,因此顯得寬敞,而Ms.Tammy 指著天花板上的攝影機與我說明此處虛擬學習的應用,Lecture Capture 是這學校在數位學習的案例,在每一堂間都會把上課內容藉由攝影記錄下,放置在網路平台上,讓學生在下課之後可以藉由自己的需求,來進行自主學習,會有這樣的運用主要是因為在卡大的課程是以英文為主,若有對於英文掌控力無法跟上的學生的話,這是相當實用的設計。



而接下來的實驗室參訪,更是我和當地學生碰面的第一步,第一部分主要是臨床藥學的實驗室,兩間實驗室分別模擬在藥局中與病房裡的情境,模擬藥局裡我與在此求學的學生相見,他與我說明這一間教室主要是為了SMSA(Structured Multi-Skill Assessment)所設立,SMSA與台灣的PCE(Patient consulting Examination) 相近,是為了臨床藥學中與病患碰面溝通的學習,在此地的話是列為大一下必修,和我們有些不同,學制的不同也讓課程的走向大異其趣。




3.藥學實驗室(wet lab)
隨著Ms. Tammy 的腳步,我來到藥學院的wet lab,由於實驗室相當的新,所以設備也都是頂級的水準。那因為卡達相當的富裕,因此心血管疾病在此地是相當常見的,在第一間實驗室中便是以做相關藥物的研究,希望可以找出針對當地人以及其他有疾病人士的解套,雖然自己待在實驗室的時間不長,但也是看到不同實驗室的配置和想法,此地的話實驗器具相當好,而研究則是貼近當地,因此也是接受QNRF(Qatar National Research Foundation, 類似國科會的機構,隸屬於Qatar foundation 之下)的贊助,在國家的支援下進行研究。



而另一間實驗室的話則是在Dr. Somayeh的介紹下,將實驗室的研究與我說明,這一間主要是做Polymeric Drug Delivery 的研究,找出合適的藥來治療需要投藥的部位,在這部分的話有一些是我在未來會學習到的部分,因此Dr. Somayeh 也將機轉跟我說了一次,上了一小堂中東藥學的課程,雖然是淺嚐,但也已經讓我感受不同授課方式的經驗。


(與Qphus 對談)


與我面對的是QPhus(Qatar Pharmacy undergraduate Society)的會長和其他班級代表,年齡層的話從一到四年級都有,因此也可以直接了解到各級學生的想法。那因為在這裡的藥學教育其實相當的菁英,要進入學校之前,需要先上General pharmacy 的課程,來了解學生的性向,並且在正式進入大學前還需要再進行考試,最後篩選出25位學生,因此與我對談的這幾位都是具實力的學生,也因為如此,這些學生的感情相當好。







“ I am grateful for the opportunity to be here!” 我對Ms.Alla 說
“ I am glad that you enjoy the tour.” Ms. Alla 高興地說
“Of course I did!” 我用堅定的眼神回答


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Education City at Qatar, 是由卡達政府機構Qatar Foundation 所支持,由國家進行支援,邀集六間美國知名大學分校的跨國計畫,這六所學校包括 Weill Cornell Medical College, North Western University, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown University, Virginia commonwealth University 以及我這一次上課和參觀的學校 Texas A&M University (德州農工大學),這些大學每一間都把自己最強的學院搬到此地;因此這樣的組合便成為一間特別的強大學校,就像是製造一個完美基因的生物,並且命名為Hamed Bin Khalifa University (HBKU),並且這僅是雛形,未來在更多大學的加入下,這個教育城蓄積的能量指日可待。


這一次來德州農工大學的機緣極為特別,一是因為一群大同大學在此做研究的台灣工程師,所以才得以進入震動與控制實驗室這一個學術重地;另一的話則是一位在此教書的美國教授Joseph Williams,一次我們在卡達珍珠島遇見之後,他邀請我來學校看看,也因此我也上了一堂他教的課程。






“You did a great job in class!” 下課時,Williams 教授給了我正面的評價,其些有些心虛,但在這一堂課中,我對於上課這一件事,有了不一樣的視角。而課後和Williams 教授聊天的過程中,也說了很多台灣的事情,因此他對於台灣是充滿想像的,也希望可以拜訪台灣,應該算是一種國民外交吧。

而之後參觀實是更是讓我驚訝,因為這一間實驗室的組成幾乎都是台灣人,五位中有四位(除一位來自埃及)。領導的工程師是來自大同大學的Mac (吳秶菘,秶讀音資),他來杜哈做研究已經有兩年半了,算是台灣的杜哈通,上一次駐阿代表還跟我提及Mac其實已經有駐杜哈代表的氣勢,這一趟有很多都是在他的牽線下才會如此順利,算是我此行的貴人之一。






參觀罷,Mac和Paul(翁健智,另一位實驗室的工程師)帶我到學生食堂用餐,這一間餐廳若搬到台灣,我相信一定是熱門餐廳! 設計精巧的環境,大面的落地窗,加上舒適的椅距,和眾多的餐食,從前菜一路到甜點樣樣不缺,還有現做的義大利麵和三明治,一人28QR( 約250台幣)吃到飽,以杜哈的物價來看相當實惠,當然在台灣也是。一輪吃下來,也讓我一頓飽三頓了,謝謝Mac帶路了。



這一趟教育城的參觀,當了一位一堂學生,還有實驗見習生,也體驗校園中的設施,要我比較這裡和台灣的不同嗎? 撇開豪華的設施不說,這裡國籍的多樣性是我驚訝的,多於50個國家的學生聚集在此,單單辦跨國自助餐(每人準備一道家鄉菜)就已經目不暇給,更何況平常生活的一些感受,教授的國籍同樣也是萬國旗,或許就是在交流中,在相對保守的中東,這裡顯得珍貴。


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而實際來到這,發現這裡飲食文化極為多元,因為很多外籍工作者在這裡定居,因此也將本身國家的飲食文化帶至這裡。在Souk Waqif的餐廳街上,黎巴嫩菜,伊拉克菜,印度菜,馬來西亞菜一字排開,像是地理課本中西亞地圖國家的排列,讓初次造訪的我眼花撩亂。





提到本地的快餐店,Sharwama Express 是代表店家,Sharwama其實就是我們熟知的沙威瑪,以薄餅包裹烤過的肉類,可以是雞肉或牛肉,當然豬肉是不可能出現的,再沾以含有優格的醬料,這樣的組合變成常見的中東快餐。


第一次嘗試Sharwama 是在一間附設在加油站旁的門市,裝潢說不上精緻但窗明几淨,鮮豔的菜單上滿滿的圖片介紹著餐點。經典的Sharwama











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Mathaf, Arab Museum of Modern Art, located in Education City Doha, is one hub that nourishes art field in Qatar. The museum is renowned by its huge collection of modern Arabic art and thought as one must-see museum in Qatar.


Mathaf in Arabic means museum. Many part of museum are also named in Arabic, like Maqha (Café), Makata (Library). The education place is named as Manara, which means lighthouse in Arabic, to represent delivering knowledge like lighthouse shines.


The museum was originally an old school building, and redesigned by French architect, Jean Francois bodin. Color white is everywhere in Mathaf, to minimize the influence of color, like blank canvas, allowing art pieces pop up in the space.Some special design like scaffold in the lobby, as if museum is under construction, represents the notion of modern art --- never completes and constantly goes through.

IMG_2586 - 複製

Mr. Sheikh Hassan, a petriotic Qatari, is the key person to the museum. When Mr. Sheikh Hassan studied in Art of the 20th Century in Qatar University in 80s, he found Picasso, Monet on the textbook, but nearly no Arab artists are mentioned. He thought these artists’ contribution was obvious as well and deserved to be one part of the book. This pushed him to collect Arabic and Qatari art pieces.

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Since then, his collection had grown bigger after buying art pieces from the artists themselves or their relatives. He enjoyed the process of collecting; therefore, he owned over 7000 pieces. For him, these collections are part of the history, which are the reflections of the region, the political and social changes in Arabic world.


Mr. Sheikh Hassan said ” I want to collect and I want to show these.” So in the mid-90s, he set up Mathaf, allowing people have accessibility to these collections. The initiative of the museum is simple --- people come and get the idea of modern Arabic art and use them as resource or reference.


Old Mathaf was located in two villas, which were near from current location but had not enough space for his huge collections. Therefore, Sheikh Hassan met Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, founder of Qatar foundation, to conceive how to use these collections as educational resources and inspired the citizens. The museum consequently moved to Education city and reopened in 2010.


Modern Arab art and contemporary art pieces are dominant in the museum. In the museum Arabic artists’ work are the majority but also from Egyptian, Iraqis, etc. Cross culture exhibition are also shown recent year, like Cai Guo-Qiang.
The blend of different culture enriches collections and brought Mathaf into world stage.


The uniqueness of Mathaf is its positioning. It aims to promote Arabic modern art Modern art from the region and internationally. People could visit the museum to admire and learn from art through various programs, which are designed for all ages. College students could participate in Mathaf Voices, an internship program, while children could interpret the meaning of the art through guided school visits with museum educators.


From private collection to the first modern art museum in Qatar, Mathaf is a local artistic voice. “Your place”, museum’s slogan, encourages people to visit the museum and learn from these Arabic art works. The young museum represents the vibrancy of Qatar and is regarded as a hub of modern art in the Middle East.


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當代藝術,聽起來挺文青,也挺有氣質的,雜誌上介紹的多是來自歐美的作品,但在近年以來,中東的藝術浪潮已經逐漸在世界站住腳。今年五月的典藏投資雜誌就曾以Art Dubai 的崛起,帶起整篇文章的重點 --- 中東藝術的崛起,在挺過金融海嘯之後,這一些中東國家已經擺脫陰影,新的經濟方向已經再次如同此處的陽光,耀眼且潛力無窮。


這一次藉由到杜哈(Doha)的機會,也用腳將市區的幾間主要美術館走過,發覺這裡的美術現象,其實是充滿前景的。而當代藝術更是蓬勃發展,首屈一指且具代表性的便是Mathaf : Museum of Islamic Art,這一間坐落在卡達教育城(Education City)中的當代美術館,其館藏橫跨阿拉伯地區一百五十年的歷史,並擁有來自鄰近地區的豐富收藏。


Mathaf 在阿拉伯文便是代表博物館的意思,而在館內的許多空間也是以阿拉伯文作為音譯命名,如Maqha是咖啡店,而Makata是圖書館。最有趣的應該是Manara,在阿拉伯文中代表的是燈塔,而此處則是教育中心,象徵傳播知識便如同燈塔發光一樣。

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創辦人Sheikh Hassan是一位曾在卡達大學攻讀20世紀藝術的收藏家,當時在70 年代時,書上敘述的多是Picasso,Monet 等畫家,關於中東藝術的敘述少之又少,但Sheikh Hassan認為阿拉伯藝術家的貢獻功不可沒,也應當受到關注,因此他在很年輕時便開始收藏中東藝術家的畫作,並且開始關注卡達藝術家的發展。

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在經過多年的收藏之後,他的收藏多達7000多件,包括雕塑、畫作等不同形式,並且在90年代時,他認為這一些作品是一項社會資產,應該有一個空間可以讓大眾參觀,並且可以學習並了解到在藝術作品背後的歷史淵源和流變,所以 Mathaf 就在兩棟別墅中誕生。


但為數眾多的作品並無法在這一場地大量展出,因此他會見卡達基金會的創辦人Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser,在經過討論之後,Sheikh Hassan捐出他的收藏,並且也將美術館搬至現在的位置,在這一個由當代法國代表的博物館設計師Jean Francois bodin操刀的空間中,展示這一些當代的阿拉伯藝術家作品。


多數的館藏是阿拉伯藝術家的作品,而仍然有來自埃及、伊拉克或是約旦的作品,而在近年來,Mathaf 也積極和各國的藝術家合作,如在2012年時,知名爆破藝術家蔡國強先生,帶著新系列作品來到此地展出,並且也揭幕白天煙火的表演,這一些跨文化的合作,也讓Mathaf 逐漸踏上世界舞台,以精采的作品及豐沛能量吸引目光。


為了讓大眾可以更容易接近這一些作品,本身美術館也有不同的活動讓大家參與,如大學生可以參加一年甄選一次的Mathaf Voices 的實習計畫,在美術館中參與布展及導覽的工作;而年紀較小的參觀者則可以參與由導覽員的引導下,輕鬆的欣賞藝術,並且在藝術中找到更多元的思潮。

Mathaf 從私人收藏開始,到現在成為卡達代表的當代博物館,其背後所代表的不單是收藏品的累積及展出,而是一位年輕人對於藝術的熱愛,以及持續的動力,參觀這一座美術館,也仿彿走過一段阿拉伯歷史,在陽光灑落的大廳下,邂逅藝術的光彩


(1) 官方網站:
(2)位置:Education City Doha

註: 目前在週間除了星期一與星期二以外,每天有往返伊斯蘭美術館(MIA)的接駁車,對於相對較遠的Mathaf是一個很好的到達方式

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“贏了,贏了!!” 昨晚在Al Ghafarah Stadium 和一群旅居杜哈的台灣人觀賞中華隊的比賽,最後我們雀躍的場邊跳著。這場對戰菲律賓的比賽,場邊聲勢浩大的菲律賓加油團絲毫沒將台灣淹沒,10人加油團依舊讓”台灣加油”這幾字在場中迴盪;中華小將面對對方來勢洶洶的攻勢,也展現出驚人的抗壓力,幾波高潮的拉鋸最終也將勝利納入。





力圖在創新上帶動國家轉型的卡達,在國家Vision 2030的目標之下,一步步將這裡由原先的碳經濟(亦即是石油天然氣等產業),逐漸由知識經濟來取代,並希望在2030年前成為中東的知識重鎮,並且有能力輸出智慧。


成就快速崛起的關鍵,由王太后創立的Qatar foundation功居首位。這基金會主導的包括教育、文化,與科技產業的脈動。在其總部所在更是占地寬廣的衛星城市,包括容納多家美國大學分校的Education city 和 日本國寶建築師磯崎新所設計的QNCC(國家會議中心)、卡達科技園區以及相關設施,說是國家發展的智庫基地也不為過。


”Innovation: Unlock human potential” 是Qatar Foundation 的發展宗旨,也是推動卡達質變的實踐方向,近年來也藉由國際會議的舉辦(如每年11月的WISE教育高峰會),匯集全球的知識,在此激盪並扎根,當然也是吸引全球的目光。這一些活動,以卡達的國家財力而言,成本是極低的,擁有世界上最高人均所得的這裡,這些是投報率很高的投資。





掐指一算,在杜哈也度過了 10 日,逐漸習慣這裡的步調。前兩天出門時溫度表上顯示42度,心底想這溫度還好吧,依舊大膽出門,披著杜哈地圖在身上,走在烈日下的城市,穿過市集中狹小的巷弄,周圍的空氣混雜著香料與塵土的氣味,路上的行人膚色人種形形色色,來到杜哈的理由不同,但在卡達只要敢夢想,敢前進,在這裡可以找到築夢的著力點。






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