Visiting Education City in Qatar is always what I am dreaming of, and even better if I could participate in the classes there. But I got both of them this summer, which was definitely more than I expected.


This summer, I got the opportunity to the school, Texas A and M in Qatar, the distinguished university from the States. The branch in Qatar was set up in 2003, and it thrived in the state of Qatar. In the beginning, 29 students are in the first year, but until now more than 400 engineers have graduated from 2007.


The school is in Education City in Doha and designed by Mexican architect. Therefore, the building has lots of Mexican elements. The main gate is like pyramid and the use of color is bold. Also, the architect integrated the Middle east culture; therefore, we could find classical patterns on the wall.


In the visit yesterday, I think is a privilege for me to take part in one class in the Texas A and M. The class was Professor Joseph Williams’s class, mainly about how to write decent resume and CV for the upcoming job hunting season.

For me, the class size is small, only 9 including me, which is quite different from Taiwan. In the beginning of the courses, the professor asked everyone’s status of quo, the progress of the report for T1 and relevant projects. In the counterpart in Taiwan, professors may not have enough time to meet or to take care every student. But here in Texas A and M, this is common.

In the class, professor Williams had some assignment for the class, which was including me. I was shocked than because we have to give a presentation from various topics in English! (e.g. Mine is one resume example for volunteering) Within ten minutes, I found my “switch” was turning on to prepare for the presentation.

When I was on the stage to present mine in English, I was trembling, hoping no one noticed that. But eventually I try my best to give them a complete presentation.
Everyone was engaging in the class, so the atmosphere was very vibrant. What really surprised me was students’ presentation skill in the class, any of them could be the top in my experience. From them, I understood that my scope was widening this time.

After the class, I got positive feedback from the professor, which was really inspiring. I really enjoyed the class and learned a lot from it, not to mention the experience of taking one class in Texas A and M. I am grateful for Professor Williams gave me the opportunity to class and the unforgettable experiences in Qatar.


In the afternoon, I went to one lab in Texas A and M, where 4 Taiwanese engineers worked there. The leading engineer is Mac Wu, who comes from Taitung University in Taiwan. The research here is mainly about automatic engineering, includes robots and other related products.

They showed me some achievements they had done. Because I am a Pharmacy student, so everything in the lab is new for me. Their research is useful in many parts, like innovative structure for stabilizing the building or uses robots to construct skyscrapers.

I especially admire the robots, because they could detect the gasoline tube underground. The tragedy in Kaohsiung was unforgettable and very sad for everyone in Taiwan. With this robot, it could help us to check the tube, which is efficient and safe. Hope it could be launched soon and helps the society.


After the visit to the lab, I also went to different school in the campus, where gathers famous universities from the States. The building was marvelous and the equipment, no doubt, is great. Every school provides their distinguished courses in the field and attracts international students.

For me, the concept of university and campus life for me might be narrow. In the visit, I experienced total different cultures. Although I just take one class and visit one lab here, but it has changed my point of view of learning. Education truly needs some stimulation to inspire, and this would be one proof.


    qatari qatar EDUCATION CITY

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